Attributes in Deepwoken | [The BEST Attributes Guide] 🏆 (2025)

Attributes in Deepwoken play a crucial role in shaping your character’s abilities, strengths, and overall performance in the game. They define your proficiency in various skills and unlock special talents and mantras that enhance your gameplay experience. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the mechanics of attributes, how to train them, and the benefits they provide.

Deepwoken Attributes Guide

Attributes are player stats that can be increased to a soft cap of 75 points, or 77 if your character’s race starts with +2 in that attribute. With an unbound quest, attributes can reach a hard cap of 100 points (102 with racial bonuses).

Attributes in Deepwoken | [The BEST Attributes Guide] 🏆 (1)

Attributes can be increased by using specific training tools to spend investment points. Each character starts with 13 free investment points, plus an additional 2 points in two stats dependent on their race. You gain attribute EXP through using the attribute and regular EXP from kills, exploration, quests, etc.

Basic Attributes and Training Tools

AttributeTraining ToolDescription
StrengthDumbbellIncreases carry load, armor penetration, and the damage scaling of strength mantras.
FortitudeTraining Vest/BoulderIncreases health slightly per point. Adds 0.5 HP per Fortitude point.
AgilityAnkle WeightsIncreases parkour and stealth abilities.
IntelligenceMath Textbook/EncyclopediaIncreases Ether slightly per intelligence per point.
WillpowerPrayer BeadsIncreases sanity and tempo per point.
CharismaHow to Make Friends bookIncreases Ether slightly per Charisma point.

Detailed Attribute Descriptions


Strength boosts your physical prowess, enabling you to carry more, penetrate armor more effectively, and deal more damage with strength-based mantras. Heavy weapons often require high strength to wield.

Carry Load+1 per point in Strength
Armor Penetration+1% per 10 points in Strength
Weapon RequirementsHigher strength for heavier weapons
TrainingCut trees, use the Boulder, parry, block, deal damage
Unbounding QuestTomb of The Nameless Warrior, break coffin lid, read journal


Fortitude enhances your resilience, slightly increasing your health per point.

Health+0.5 HP per point in Fortitude
Equipment RequirementsHigher fortitude for certain gear
TrainingTake damage with Training Vest, throw up from raw materials, use the Boulder
Unbounding QuestTalk to Brutus in Fort Merit


Agility improves your nimbleness and stealth abilities, making parkour and evasion more effective.

ParkourIncreased climbing height, slide speed, roll distance
StealthReduced vision cone of NPCs and monsters
TrainingRun, slide, roll, dodge, perform backstabs, use Ankle Weights
Unbounding QuestTalk to the Windrunner on top of the mountain near Etris


Intelligence enhances your logical and problem-solving abilities, increasing Ether and the potency of potions.

Ether+2 Ether per point in Intelligence
Potion PotencyIncreased effectiveness
TrainingForage, fish, brew potions, discover recipes and locations, use Math Textbook/Encyclopedia
Unbounding QuestComplete puzzle in The Birdcage, eat a Bluecap


Willpower boosts your mental integrity, enhancing sanity and tempo.

Sanity+3 per point in Willpower
Tempo+0.5 per point in Willpower
TrainingForage, fight sea monsters, throw up from raw materials, lose sanity, roam in Voidsea and The Depths, use Prayer Beads
Unbounding QuestTalk to Akira at the Akira Event, then Castle Light


Charisma improves your ability to influence others, increasing Ether and opening new dialogue options.

Ether+1.5 Ether per point in Charisma
Dialogue InfluenceNew options and positive responses in dialogues
TrainingSell items, gain reputation, play an instrument, use Encyclopedia, use How to Make Friends book
Unbounding QuestComplete Karliah quest, tell her to return to Etris

Weapon Attributes

Weapon attributes dictate proficiency with different weapon types and unlock specific talents and mantras. Training is done using the Weapons Manual.

Heavy Weapons

Enhances your ability with heavy weapons, increasing damage scaling and requiring higher investment for better weapons.

Gain EXPDeal damage, parry attacks with heavy weapons
Unbounding QuestComplete Lost Sibling quest, talk to Maestro Evengarde Rest, or kill any boss

Medium Weapons

Boosts proficiency with medium weapons, increasing damage and unlocking specific talents.

Gain EXPDeal damage, parry attacks with medium weapons
Unbounding QuestComplete Lost Sibling quest, talk to Maestro Evengarde Rest, or kill any boss

Light Weapons

Improves your skill with light weapons, enhancing damage and requiring higher points for better weapons.

Gain EXPDeal damage, parry attacks with light weapons
Unbounding QuestComplete Lost Sibling quest, talk to Maestro Evengarde Rest, or kill any boss

Attunement Attributes

Attunement attributes dictate the power and intensity of elemental abilities, unlocking special talents and mantras.


Increases damage scaling of Flamecharm mantras.

Gain EXPDeal damage with Flamecharm mantras, use Hearthgem, eat Dying Embers
Unbounding QuestKill any humanoid boss


Enhances damage scaling of Frostdraw mantras.

Gain EXPDeal damage with Frostdraw mantras, use Hemafrost, eat Frigid Prisms
Unbounding QuestKill any humanoid boss


Boosts damage scaling of Thundercall mantras.

Gain EXPDeal damage with Thundercall mantras, use Self-Conducting Loop, eat Spark Glands
Unbounding QuestKill any humanoid boss


Improves damage scaling of Galebreathe mantras.

Gain EXPDeal damage with Galebreathe mantras, use Gale Kata, eat Gale Stones
Unbounding QuestKill any humanoid boss


Increases damage scaling of Shadowcast mantras and ether theft.

Gain EXPDeal damage with Shadowcast mantras, use Pure Heart, eat Umbral Obsidian
Unbounding QuestKill any humanoid boss


Enhances damage scaling of Ironsing mantras.

Gain EXPDeal damage with Ironsing mantras, use Ferrofluid
Unbounding QuestKill any humanoid boss

Tips for Maximizing Attribute Growth

  • Plan Your Build: Use tools like the Deepwoken Builder to plan your attributes, talents, mantras, resonance, murmur, and oaths.
  • Balanced Leveling: Level up all your stats simultaneously for faster leveling and better talents.
  • Use Training Tools Effectively: Ensure you have both regular EXP and attribute EXP before training.
  • Prioritize Key Attributes: Focus on raising essential attributes first to unlock rare cards and talents sooner.
  • Unbound Quests: Complete unbound quests to increase attribute caps for more powerful characters.

Attributes in Deepwoken are fundamental to character development, influencing everything from combat effectiveness to interaction with the game world. By understanding and strategically improving your attributes, you can create a character tailored to your playstyle and goals. This comprehensive guide should serve as a valuable resource in your journey through the challenging and rewarding world of Deepwoken.

  • Talents in Deepwoken
  • Traits in Deepwoken
  • Character Creation in Deepwoken
  • Equipment in Deepwoken
  • Builder in Deepwoken
  • Weapons in Deepwoken
Attributes in Deepwoken | [The BEST Attributes Guide] 🏆 (2025)


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